Hello everybody (handful of family and friends that read this, plus dozens of spambots)
This blog is still alive - I've just been neglectful in posting over the holidays and in flux while deciding if/when to move the blog to Wordpress as well as getting the new blog design installed. I'm planning to blog up a storm in January though - here's to hoping life doesn't get in the way.
We had a great Christmas and are looking forward to the new year. So here is the month of December condensed into a single post.

Here's Arabella with one of her most prized presents - her rocking horsie from Grandma Susan. As of publication date, this horse is named Blueberry, but it has already changed about 3 times (first name was Fontanya) and may already have changed by the time you're reading this. Arabella's feeding him (her?) the everlasting plastic carrot that came with him, and also enjoys combing his mane.
Here's Arabella's haul from Mom and Dad, and Santa. Daddy kept adding things to the cart so blame him for the overkill. Guess Who has been quite popular, although Arabella needs a little help still to keep it straight in her head. Then we went to my Grandma's house and doubled the pile - Arabella will have plenty to keep her busy until next birthday in October.
Arabella being snowed upon on Dovewood Court - the over the top Christmas light cul-de-sac in Orangevale.
With Santa at the Folsom Zoo - pretty self-explanatory.
On the 21st, we went to a super fun end-of-the-world party with this awesome Mayan gingerbread house. On top is the Rice Krispy snowman to be sacrificed. Although very anticlimatic that the world did not end on the 21st as planned, at least the gingerbread was very, very good.
Arabella also got to play Ms. Pacman at this party and seems to be a natural with the joystick. Her preferred invective upon losing at the game was "Poopyhead"
Arabella blending in with a gingerbread family (also on Dovewood Court)
Reading a story with Grandpa Bob while Great-Grandma Barbara looks on.

Taking a photo of Daddy with THE Christmas Tree on her own camera.
Gingerbread house made by Grandma Susan and Arabella - Mom gets credit for buying the kit and guilting Grandma Susan into making it though.
How was your December / Christmas / Festivus / Hannukah / etc.? We'd love to know!