Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Can't believe I finally stopped procrastinating and made a blog!

I finally did it!  I thought I was going to give up at just the title, but after 2 hours on thesaurus.com looking for the perfect verb for a "-ingArabella" idea, the title "what Arabella did" popped into my head.  I assume just about everybody that is reading this will be family and friends that already know me, but just in case this blog takes off and I become the next Pioneer Woman or Momastery, here's a little about me: I'm a work-at-home mom (real estate appraiser) to my darling daughter Arabella, age 2.5 years and wife to my stay-at-home husband Keith. We live in Roseville, CA in a bungalow at the house next to Mango Street. Even though being around each other all day can be stressful, I wouldn't give up this opportunity to be with my family for the world. I think this blog is going to be mostly about parenting, and recording Arabella's adventures and stories for posterity but who knows where inspiration will strike.  My goal is to post consistently at least, even if my posts aren't especially profound or prolific. Done is better than perfect.  And that's all I have time to write for now. Yay - I am now officially a mommy blogger!

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