Tuesday, August 21, 2012



Butterflies by arabellajane on Polyvore

Arabella has been on a little story strike lately, but I asked reminded her the other day that she used to tell me stories that I could put on "us blog" to share with her adoring public, and asked her if she would tell me another one. I played it cool when she agreed out of the blue and set to transcribing - this story is short but super sweet.

Arabella's Butterfly Fancy Nancy Story

Butterfly come in the store and come in the house two threes and flutters!! And butterfly flutters by and Fancy Nancy comes and pets her butterfly and comes in the tree and Fancy Nancy climbs and her mother said "What's that big tree?"  Nancy says "It big tree you climb with" said Fancy Nancy. Butterfly flutters in the clouds and butterfly flaps his wings up to the sky! Us go on roof (the butterfly & Fancy Nancy and her mom). They took the ladder - no they flew in pike position and roll up there [visualize a fancy Olympics dive but in reverse going up from the ground to the roof is the way I understood it from Arabella's description]

The sad illustration above is one of my first attempts at Polyvore. I actually like it fairly well except for the huge white background, but   I have to get back to real paying appraisal work instead of playing with that anymore. Do you use Polyvore? If so, you can follow me under name arabellajane and I'd love to know what name you Polyvore under so I can follow you too. It's a lot of fun, and fairly simple once you get the hang of it if you use the premade templates. It's kind of like Pinterest collaging.   If you don't use it, have you heard of Polyvore? If you go to Polyvore.com, you can get started super easily. No, Polyvore is not paying me to write this and mobilize all 20ish of my readers to use Polyvore - although they should the way I am talking them up. OK, back to real work, Happy Tuesday everybody! But seriously, leave us a comment (about anything (besides spam of course)) - it makes our day bright and shiny! 


  1. I love your story, Arabella!!! I Love. Love you!!! Your proud grandma.

  2. I love you Grandma Susan. With the eyeball. That's silly. Silly nose. [this is exactly what Arabella told me to write]
